Main Purpose

  • 과학, 기술 및 혁신에 관한 한국과 탄자니아 양국간의 협력방안 모색

    Korea-Tanzania cooperation in Science, Technology & Innovation

  • 혁신과학기술 정책과 역량에 기반한 경제협력 기반 구축

    Economic cooperation based on politics of Science & Technology

  • 탄자니아 아루샤 지역의 관광 개발사업 아이템 개발

    Business items for Arusha, Tanzania tourism development

  • 4차 산업혁명에 부응하는 아루샤 지역의 스마트 시티화

    Smart city in Arusha response to the 4th Industrial Revolution

  • 한국 기업과 탄자니아 기업의 비즈니스를 위한 지원 및 플랫폼 구축

    To establish a platform and support for Korea and Tanzania


한-영 동시통역 서비스 진행합니다.
Korea-English simultaneous interpretation service is available.

Main Speakers


Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn

서울대학교 교수 / 탄자니아 적정기술거점센터 사업단장

Seoul National University / iTEC

마틸다 마주카

Hon. Matilda Masuka

주한 탄자니아 대사관 대사

Ambassador of Republic of Tanzania in Seoul Korea


Dr. Hwang-Hee Cho

과학기술정책연구원 원장

President of STEPI

죠셉 부최에이샤이자

Hon. Joseph Buchweishaija

탄자니아 산업통상자원부 차관

Permanent Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Trade and Investment, Tanzania

음리쇼 감보

Hon. Mrisho Gambo

탄자니아 아루샤주 주지사

Regional Commissioner (Governor), Arusha Tanzania)


Prof.Young-Sung Lee

서울대학교 환경대학원 교수

Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies


Prof. Jae-Sung Kwak

경희대학교 국제개발협력 대학원 교수

Kyung Hee University Graduate School of International Studies


Dr. Hyop. S Rhee

탄자니아 적정기술거점센터 센터장

Managing Director of iTEC






Invitation Letter

Welcome to the Korea-Tanzania Science and Technology Business Forum 2018.

‘SNU-Tanzania Innovative Technology & Energy Center(ITEC)’ will hold the Korea-Tanzania Science and Technology Business Forum on October 16th, 2018 at Seoul National University. This event will be co-hosted by the ‘Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Republic of Korea’ and ‘Science and Technology Policy Institute of Korea (STEPI)’.

Korea-Tanzania Science and Technology Business Forum addresses emerging issues in discussion on business development of scientific technology and economic cooperation between Korea and Tanzania.

We also aim to provide new business and collaboration opportunities in Tanzania with attending dignitaries from Tanzania, including Hon. Mrisho Gambo, the Regional Commissioner (Governor) of Arusha, and Hon. Joseph Buchweishaija, the Permanent Secretary of Minister of Industries, Trade, and Investment

We are looking forward to seeing you in the Forum, hope that your organization continues making great progress.

Best Wishes,

Forum Chairs:

Prof. Sung-hoon Ahn(SNU-iTEC)
Prof. Je-Yong Yoon(SNU-ASAT)
Ambassador Matilda Masuka(Embassy of Tanzania)
President, Hwang-Hee Cho(STEPI)
Main Director, Ji-Hyun Moon(e3empower Korea)
Managing Director Hyop. S Rhee(iTEC)


The Embassy of Tanzania in South Korea
Science and Technology Policy Institute(STEPI)
Academic Society For Appropriate Technology(ASAT)
e3empower Korea
Innovative Technology and Energy Center(iTEC)